Day 1 - Monday February 24 |
Draft Program
Opening Keynotes
09:00 Fundamental concepts for combustible dust safety
Dr. Chris Cloney / DustEx Research Limited
10:00 Global regulations for combustible dust safety
Dr. Bob Zalosh / FireExplo
Session 1: Hazard Identification & Analysis - Important Concepts
11:00 Introduction to NFPA 652 & Dust Hazard Analysis
David Hakes / XP Products
11:30 Introduction To Combustible Dust Test Methods
Dr. Ashok Dastidar / Fauske & Associates
12:00 Differences Between The Global Approaches to Hazard Analysis
Dr. Jef Snoeys & Bruce McLelland / Fike
12:30 Difference Between Prescriptive and Performance-Based DHAs
John Wincek / Dekra
Session 2: Hazard Identification & Analysis - Case Examples
02:00 Example Application Of Combustible Dust Testing
Martin Clouthier / Jensen Hughes
02:30 Example Hazard Identification & Hazard Analysis
Jeff Davis / Conversion Technology Inc.
03:00 Challenges Retrofitting Explosion Protection In Existing Facilities
Chris Giusto / Hallam-ICS
03:30 Example QRA In Dust Handling Operations
Marc Hodapp / Jensen Hughes
Closing Keynotes
04:00 A CSB update on Combustible Dust Safety in 2020
Wills Hougland / US Chemical Safety Board
05:00 Simplifying the Combustible Dust Compliance Process and Avoiding Legal Issues
Howard Mavity / Fisher & Phillips LLP
** All times are in Eastern Time Zone
Day 2 - Tuesday February 25 |
Draft Program
Opening Keynotes
09:00 Lessons Learned from DustSafetyScience and the Combustible Dust Incident Database
Dr. Chris Cloney / DustEx Research Limited
10:00 Recognizing, Evaluating, and Controlling Hazards of Combustible Dust
Guy Colonna / National Fire Protection Agency
Session 3: Hazard Identification & Analysis – Case Examples
11:00 Explosion Protection System Deficiencies as Discovered Through Performing DHAs
Phil Parsons / Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc.
11:30 Understanding the Fire and Explosion Hazards Associated with Additive Manufacturing Processes
Jason Reason / SEAM Group
12:00 International Ex Facility Assessment & Certification
Arpad Veress / ExNB
12:30 Lessons Learned From Global Plant Inspections
Francesca Vincenzi / REMBE
Session 4: System Design & Processing Equipment
02:00 Design Of Dust Collection Systems
Diane Cave / Element6
02:30 Monitoring Dust Ignition Sources on Bucket Elevators
Brian Knapp | 4B Components
03:00 Design Of Storage Silo Systems
Keith McGuire | CST Industries
03:30 Design Of Ducting & Conveying Systems
Ross Blanford | Masterduct
Closing Keynotes
04:00 Lessons learned from the CSB Call to Action on Combustible Dust
Crista Vesel and Ivan Pupulidy | Dynamic Inquiry
05:00 Dramatic Decline in Number and Severity of Explosions at Grain Handling Facilities
Jess McCluer / National Grain and Feed Association
** All times are in Eastern Time Zone
Day 3 - Wednesday February 26 |
Draft Program
Opening Keynotes
08:00 Case Studies in Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection
Dr. Chris Cloney / DustEx Research Limited
Session 5: Explosion Prevention Methods
09:00 Latest Developments In Spark Monitoring & Detection Solutions
Denis Sauerwald & Mario Haas / GreCon
09:30 Dust & Gas Concentration Monitoring
John Korpi / Sintrol
10:00 Using fan systems to control fugitive dust accumulation
Jordan Newton / SonicAire
10:30 Oxygen Reduction & Inerting System Design
Dr. Ashok Dastidar / Fauske & Associates
Session 6: Explosion Protection Methods
11:00 Traditional & Non-traditional Explosion Venting Options
Jason Krbec / CV Technology
11:30 Explosion Suppression System Design & Example
Jeff Mycroft / Fike
12:00 Alternative Explosion Isolation Options For Different Equipment
Burke Desautels / IEP Technologies
12:30 Comparing NFPA 68 and EN 14491 requirements for venting
Marius Bloching & Jeramy Slaunwhite / REMBE
Session 7: Dust Control, Collection and Cleaning (Part 1)
02:00 What You Need To Know To Purchase The Correct Collection System
Robert Williamson & Niels Pedersen / Nederman
02:30 Explosion Prevention & Protection Options For Dust Collection Systems
Brian Richardson / Camfil
03:00 Collection Methods For Metallic Dusts
Denise Duncan / AT Industrial Products
03:30 System balancing and control options for dust collection systems
Ales Litomisky / EcoGate
04:00 Rotary Drum Filter Dust Collection Systems
Stephen Kasik / Osprey
Session 8: Dust Control, Collection and Cleaning (Part 2)
04:30 Industrial Hygiene, Housekeeping & NFPA Requirements
Stephen Watkins | Nilfisk
05:00 Choosing Between Central Vacuum & Portable Vacuum Systems
Scott Boersma | Delfin
05:30 Industrial Vacuum Accessories & Cleaning Services
TBD | Space Vac
06:00 Guidelines for Using a High-Vacuum Central System to Keep Your Facility Clean
Pablo Balan / Boss Products
** All times are in Eastern Time Zone
Day 4 - Thursday February 27 |
Dr. Chris Cloney / DustEx Research Ltd. & Dalhousie University
10:00 Investigation on a Flour Mill Dust Explosion by CFD Simulations
Dr. Paola Russo / Sapienza University of Rome
10:30 Modelling of Cornflour Dust Explosion Using an Open Source Code
Dr. Chen Huang / Research Institutes of Sweden
11:00 Simulating Pressure Piling in Coal Dust Explosion Using OpenFOAM
Damilare Ogungbemide / Jensen Hughes
Session 10: Experimental Research
12:00 TBD
Luca Marmo / Polirtecnico di Torino
12:30 Anomalous Flammability Behavior of Dust Mixtures
Dr. Maria Portarapillo / Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
01:00 Investigation of Marginal Explosibility in the 20-L and 1-m3 Chambers
Albert Addo / Dalhousie University
01:30 Nano-sized Solid Inertants and Their Advantage in Dust Explosion Moderation
Yajie Bu / Northeastern University
02:00 Dust Concentration Sensing Method Using Image Analysis
Yumeng Zhao / Purdue University
** All times are in Eastern Time Zone
Q: Who can attend the conference?
A: Anyone can attend the event if purchasing a general admission ticket. Research presentation slots are only available to university students, professors or industry researchers. Industry presentation slots will be given firstly to DustSafetyScience member companies and then from the waitlist above.
Q: What if I can't view the conference live?
A: Replays of the conference presentations will be available for six months after the event through the Dust Safety Academy platform.
Q: Are the tickets refundable?
A: No, the tickets are non-refundable. However, they can be reassigned to another individual before January 15, 2020. We will try our best to help you find someone to take the ticket before this date.
Q: How long are the presentations?
A: Technical sessions are 20-minutes followed by a 5-minute question period. Keynotes are 40 minutes followed by a 15-minute question period.